I go to college two times a week and at the bus stop a lad is always there who goes to college too, he never speaks he just stands there listening to his ipod, we exchange a slight eyebrow raise every now and again but thats about it.
Today in the canteen at college i was having my dinner with one of the girls who is also on my course and i noticed this lad from the bus stop sat opposite us really staring at my friend, i presumed he fancied her and when she got up to take her tray back i said to him "if you want ill introduce you" thinking i was being polite.
He took this the wrong way and said "you what you fucking poof", i repeated what i said but knew while i was saying it that the whole situation had gone a bit sour, he then said "ill knock you on your fucking arse you faggot" and started touching my face with his forehead, i was shitting myself and didn't know what to do so i tried apologising to him and explaining what i meant but he was having none of it, he told me he was going to cut me up, at this point the girl from my course came back and in a fit of madness i tried playing the hardman and kept saying "do it dickhead" which fucked him off even more but luckily one of the security staff came and broke it up
The thing is to be honest im soft as fuck and this lad seems to be a bit of a rough type so i know ill get my arse kicked, im now a bit scared about going to the bus stop on Thursday morning (when im next in college) as he will probably start some trouble as its just him and me at the bus stop, he is doing a cooking course so has access to knives and cleaver e.t.c so my ring is twitching a little, the cooking building is right next door to where my class is so there is no escape.
Anyone got any tips on how i should handle it, if needs be ill get a weapon of my own but i'll only use it as a last resort (i have a pair of scissors but id rather not use them they are professional hairdressing scissors), hopefully one of the forum hardcases like Boyle or Yorks-Red will know what to do
Today in the canteen at college i was having my dinner with one of the girls who is also on my course and i noticed this lad from the bus stop sat opposite us really staring at my friend, i presumed he fancied her and when she got up to take her tray back i said to him "if you want ill introduce you" thinking i was being polite.
He took this the wrong way and said "you what you fucking poof", i repeated what i said but knew while i was saying it that the whole situation had gone a bit sour, he then said "ill knock you on your fucking arse you faggot" and started touching my face with his forehead, i was shitting myself and didn't know what to do so i tried apologising to him and explaining what i meant but he was having none of it, he told me he was going to cut me up, at this point the girl from my course came back and in a fit of madness i tried playing the hardman and kept saying "do it dickhead" which fucked him off even more but luckily one of the security staff came and broke it up
The thing is to be honest im soft as fuck and this lad seems to be a bit of a rough type so i know ill get my arse kicked, im now a bit scared about going to the bus stop on Thursday morning (when im next in college) as he will probably start some trouble as its just him and me at the bus stop, he is doing a cooking course so has access to knives and cleaver e.t.c so my ring is twitching a little, the cooking building is right next door to where my class is so there is no escape.
Anyone got any tips on how i should handle it, if needs be ill get a weapon of my own but i'll only use it as a last resort (i have a pair of scissors but id rather not use them they are professional hairdressing scissors), hopefully one of the forum hardcases like Boyle or Yorks-Red will know what to do