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NONSENSE: Tommy Robinson (again)

The man's an extremist, but he's a clever one. He knows that some of the shit that he comes out with appeals to the masses so he keeps repeating it. Scratch just below the surface and you'll find a nasty, bigoted thug, who in my opinion should be locked up. Fuck freedom of speech.

Nah, freedom of speech is an absolute right.

Doesn't mean it doesn't have consequences as this bloke just discovered.
That is not what he has said. This is a good example of the whataboutery I mentioned previously.

What he said was that there is a culture of grooming in the Islamic communities that is unique and was not being challenged or tackled.

You are aware that the statements that statistically most sex offenders are non Muslim (in a majority non Muslim country) and there is a unique culture of grooming in Islamic communities despite most Muslims not being involved can both be true? They don't contradict each other.

Of course, there has been an issue with Muslim grooming gangs, and yes it does seem to be cultural, they mostly come from Pakistan, so obviously they are going to be Muslim. It's the generalisation that I have a problem with. There is all ways a suggestion that all Muslim men are child abusers. Tommy even quotes the Quran to suggest this. Its wrong to generalise and it's not fair to suggest that this practice is part of the Muslim religion.
6 on 1
Camera WOMAN attacked

TR comes away with a scratched ear:D

The left:o

What a bunch of vaginas.
There was a time when this country bred wonderful humans like William Wilberforce. Now Tommy Robinson is a hero to many. :confused:

Poundshop caricature of a hard-man trying to make his fortune by posting up click-bait for his YouTube channel
You haven't caught anything. Just posted the same name calling and boring arguments I see every time when someone doesn't understand the discussion but means well.

I didn't catch you Tommy did.
Of course, there has been an issue with Muslim grooming gangs, and yes it does seem to be cultural, they mostly come from Pakistan, so obviously they are going to be Muslim. It's the generalisation that I have a problem with. There is all ways a suggestion that all Muslim men are child abusers. Tommy even quotes the Quran to suggest this. Its wrong to generalise and it's not fair to suggest that this practice is part of the Muslim religion.

Muslims worship a peadophile - fact.
Muslims believe mohammed flew to heaven on a unicorn - fact.

They sympathise with a child abuser. They are child abusers too in my eyes.

Bruv dying to pull the trigger on me so i’ll keep it civil now.
Of course, there has been an issue with Muslim grooming gangs, and yes it does seem to be cultural, they mostly come from Pakistan, so obviously they are going to be Muslim. It's the generalisation that I have a problem with. There is all ways a suggestion that all Muslim men are child abusers. Tommy even quotes the Quran to suggest this. Its wrong to generalise and it's not fair to suggest that this practice is part of the Muslim religion.

Quoting the Qur'an doesn't suggest that at all. It just attempts to provide a justification within the scripture. If it wasn't possible that it could be religiously motivated then the first thing you'd do is look to the holy text and see if it's included there or justified in it.

Plenty of people half arse religion. Justification in scripture doesn't mean all or a majority of its followers subscribe to it.

If you don't think it's problematic to say it's cultural because they are predominantly Pakistani (which is a generalisation itself, do all Pakistanis do it?) then I'm not sure why you find it so uncomfortable to question whether it could be religiously motivated or justified.
Some are, no doubt. But others aren't particularly left wing.

I'm not a lefty and I think there's something fishy about it.

The woman got a beating and Tommy ended up with a black eye. Some people will always say things are staged to Tommy Robinson.
Quoting the Qur'an doesn't suggest that at all. It just attempts to provide a justification within the scripture. If it wasn't possible that it could be religiously motivated then the first thing you'd do is look to the holy text and see if it's included there or justified in it.

Plenty of people half arse religion. Justification in scripture doesn't mean all or a majority of its followers subscribe to it.

If you don't think it's problematic to say it's cultural because they are predominantly Pakistani (which is a generalisation itself, do all Pakistanis do it?) then I'm not sure why you find it so uncomfortable to question whether it could be religiously motivated or justified.

They see white girls as trash and as scum.

Religiously motivated rapejihad and it happens all over the country.
They see white girls as trash and as scum.

Religiously motivated rapejihad and it happens all over the country.

Only it's not and it doesn't

95% of all incidents of child abuse are committed by white males - if you were interested at all in actual facts
Only it's not and it doesn't

95% of all incidents of child abuse are committed by white males - if you were interested at all in actual facts

Is this a literal figure.
The woman got a beating and Tommy ended up with a black eye. Some people will always say things are staged to Tommy Robinson.

Did she? Where's that from?

He's got form for making shit up. You can't blame people for thinking that such a wank fight was staged.
Only it's not and it doesn't

95% of all incidents of child abuse are committed by white males - if you were interested at all in actual facts


Thousands upon thousands of white girls abused by pakistani origin muslim men.

Most of it covered us by labour governments and the police.

You state facts about white peados - we live in a country which is(at the moment) still predominantly white of course the numbers will be higher you fucking cretin.

There is a massive religiously motivated problem where muslim men target white girls. If you cant see that you’re a fuckin idiot.
The facts are there to see.
The thing your dag, ewefields and jeffmills types don't realise is that their ilk create the popularity of Robinson, Hopkins, Britain First etc.

They call people with a different opinion to them 'racists' and they won't allow people speaking bad of Islam. They treat criticism of this faith as a type of ‘phobia’. They want to stop freedom of speech and are happy for people to be jailed for thinking bad of some Muslims. This all boosts Tommys popularity. People are drawn to Tommy as they see him taking on the bad side of Islam.

That video of antifa attacking him will only boost Tommy robinsons popularity even more.
Telford is the next one on the horizon.

This one makes the others look like small-fry.

MPs are calling for an enquiry.

Thousands upon thousands of white girls abused by pakistani origin muslim men.

Most of it covered us by labour governments and the police.

You state facts about white peados - we live in a country which is(at the moment) still predominantly white of course the numbers will be higher you fucking cretin.

There is a massive religiously motivated problem where muslim men target white girls. If you cant see that you’re a fuckin idiot.
The facts are there to see.

Spot on yet again Chopper.

Thousands upon thousands of white girls abused by pakistani origin muslim men.

Most of it covered us by labour governments and the police.

You state facts about white peados - we live in a country which is(at the moment) still predominantly white of course the numbers will be higher you fucking cretin.

There is a massive religiously motivated problem where muslim men target white girls. If you cant see that you’re a fuckin idiot.
The facts are there to see.

Another 1000 underage white girls groomed and raped in Telford by Muslim males

Telford child sex scandal involving 1,000 'could be Britain's worst'


But it's ok as white people are nonces too

Dag is the biggest racist on here btw
Tommy getting a slap AGAIN :D.

Top stuff, got the usual faux right wing intellectuals busting out their dodgy rape facts on a football forum.
Telford is the next one on the horizon.

This one makes the others look like small-fry.

MPs are calling for an enquiry.

First ive heard about telford:mad:

Ive been concentrating on Huddersfield at the Moment just the 29 “asian” men up in court at the moment for horrific rapejihad.
Tommy getting a slap AGAIN :D.

Top stuff, got the usual faux right wing intellectuals busting out their dodgy rape facts on a football forum.

A slap.

You and your antifa mates couldnt knock a wank out:D

Thousands upon thousands of white girls abused by pakistani origin muslim men.

Most of it covered us by labour governments and the police.

You state facts about white peados - we live in a country which is(at the moment) still predominantly white of course the numbers will be higher you fucking cretin.

There is a massive religiously motivated problem where muslim men target white girls. If you cant see that you’re a fuckin idiot.
The facts are there to see.

So if muslims were prolific sex offenders then you'd expect the proportion of sex offenders prosecuted to be far in excess of the proportion of muslims in the wider population, which it isn't.

And no one is denying there is a problem with a particular subset of sex offences and men from a muslim background. The question then arises whether its cultural, religious or some of both.
West Mercia Police have confessed that errors were made in how detailed reports from street pastors on night patrol had been dealt with.....

They seem to happen a lot in these cases; the mistakes.

No doubt the social services and council will 'learn lessons'.

Before those culpable retire with a nice pension; of course.

There's something not adding up here; for me.

How do so many institutions keep making so many 'mistakes'?...................

Time for Bergerac.
The point was made about all sexual abuse of children

Where offenders’ ethnicity was known, 81% of people convicted of sexual offences in 2014 were white, 7% were black and 9% were Asian


Those stats would still show Asians as being overrepresented and whites being underrepresented.

Also misleading as Asian includes Indians and Chinese when we are talking about Pakistanis mostly which make up about 2% of the 7% Asian population (2011 census).
So if muslims were prolific sex offenders then you'd expect the proportion of sex offenders prosecuted to be far in excess of the proportion of muslims in the wider population, which it isn't..

Lets see the recent figures - the last couple of years - where these islamic child molesting beasts are actually being prosecuted instead of it being brushed under the carpet like it has done for the 10-15 years:rolleyes:
Man of the people is Tommy, a working class hero and articulate to boot.
Loved the video of him fronting up to some of the soap dodging scum face to face asking them to repeat anything he’s said that is hate preach. None of the cunts could quote a thing.
So many ruddy, damn, silly mistakes........

All these experienced Police, social services and council workers; making the mistakes.

With all that education, time at the coalface, seminars attended, diversity courses completed.........

Darned silly mistakes.

Ah well. It happens.
So if muslims were prolific sex offenders then you'd expect the proportion of sex offenders prosecuted to be far in excess of the proportion of muslims in the wider population, which it isn't.

And no one is denying there is a problem with a particular subset of sex offences and men from a muslim background. The question then arises whether its cultural, religious or some of both.

The distinction needs to be made of grooming gangs. Their is something unique of the act of plying vulnerable, under age girls with alcohol/ drugs for the intention of passing them around a group of men. With this it's clearly a Muslim/ Pakistani issue. It's the truth, no point fucking about.

Predominantly cultural, they don't value women in general and those that aren't Muslim? They are in the gutter to them. I wouldn't even say it was that religious, half of these lot drink on the side, have a gamble etc so they aren't exactly model muslims. But the feeling they of control over women in general can be attributed to Islam.

White girls are seen as pieces of shit, there have been incidents in the past they've tried it with young Sikh girls as well. They don't do it in house as

a) the community will react with complete venom as opposed to if it was white/ others. Families will hear of it, names will get mentioned and you'll have the dads or family members having it off and it's not worth the agg.

b) they can't get away with it easier

c) it's probably more of a thrill.

I don't like where the line gets blurred and it turns into a full on Muslim hate fest, which despite people suggesting they don't clearly it is in some cases. Robinson in the past tried to blag he was only against extremist Islam, but some of the inflammatory language he used clearly didn't differentiate this. Videos of Britain First digging out normal people outside the mosque doesn't sit right with me and never will. These types would hate regardless. If it weren't muslims it would be other groups, look at history one group always got it from that side. They aren't valiant defenders of law, they are hateful people who happen to have a group of people around at the same time that they can kick off at as they to are in some sections Small minded, ignorant cunts themselves i.e. The Anjum Choudhary's of the world.

Similarly, I know what some groups of muslims lads are like and they are utter cunts so I prefer just to stay out of it generally.

I do shudder to think what it could be like in the next 10/15 years though.
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a) the community will react with complete venom as opposed to if it was white/ others. Families will hear of it, names will get mentioned and you'll have the dads or family members having it off and it's not worth the agg.

Perfectly put.

Talk to any of the older lads; they're as disgusted by what they see as the rest of the right-thinking people are.

Tars them with a brush, bad for business etc. etc.
The distinction needs to be made of grooming gangs. Their is something unique of the act of plying vulnerable, under age girls with alcohol/ drugs for the intention of passing them around a group of men. With this it's clearly a Muslim/ Pakistani issue. It's the truth, no point fucking about.

Predominantly cultural, they don't value women in general and those that aren't Muslim? They are in the gutter to them. I wouldn't even say it was that religious, half of these lot drink on the side, have a gamble etc so they aren't exactly model muslims. But the feeling they of control over women in general can be attributed to Islam.

White girls are seen as pieces of shit, there have been incidents in the past they've tried it with young Sikh girls as well. They don't do it in house as

a) the community will react with complete venom as opposed to if it was white/ others. Families will hear of it, names will get mentioned and you'll have the dads or family members having it off and it's not worth the agg.

b) they can't get away with it easier

c) it's probably more of a thrill.

I don't like where the line gets blurred and it turns into a full on Muslim hate fest, which despite people suggesting they don't clearly it is in some cases. Robinson in the past tried to blag he was only against extremist Islam, but some of the imflamatorh language he used clearly didn't differentiate this. Videos of Britain First digging out normal people outside the mosque doesn't sit right with me and never will. Similarly, I know what some groups of muslims lads are like and they are utter cunts so I prefer just to stay out of it generally.

I do shudder to think what it could be like in the next 10/15 years though.

Bang on with the first few sentences.

You’re a sikh arent you? My apologies if not.
The views of a sun reading knuckle dragger.


not really though is it.

I'm with chopper on this one and i don't read the sun.

There is a huge cultural issue in this country in which white women are seen as trash by many muslims.

I've said before on here one of my best mates is a Pakistani muslim, he's a sound lad who likes a beer, actually comes to mine every Christmas day, I often go out with him for a meal at the end of Ramadam..

He also agrees that the way white women are viewed by some in his neighborhood is shameful, he's honest enough to admit it.

He doesn't read the sun either.