So if muslims were prolific sex offenders then you'd expect the proportion of sex offenders prosecuted to be far in excess of the proportion of muslims in the wider population, which it isn't.
And no one is denying there is a problem with a particular subset of sex offences and men from a muslim background. The question then arises whether its cultural, religious or some of both.
The distinction needs to be made of grooming gangs. Their is something unique of the act of plying vulnerable, under age girls with alcohol/ drugs for the intention of passing them around a group of men. With this it's clearly a Muslim/ Pakistani issue. It's the truth, no point fucking about.
Predominantly cultural, they don't value women in general and those that aren't Muslim? They are in the gutter to them. I wouldn't even say it was that religious, half of these lot drink on the side, have a gamble etc so they aren't exactly model muslims. But the feeling they of control over women in general can be attributed to Islam.
White girls are seen as pieces of shit, there have been incidents in the past they've tried it with young Sikh girls as well. They don't do it in house as
a) the community will react with complete venom as opposed to if it was white/ others. Families will hear of it, names will get mentioned and you'll have the dads or family members having it off and it's not worth the agg.
b) they can't get away with it easier
c) it's probably more of a thrill.
I don't like where the line gets blurred and it turns into a full on Muslim hate fest, which despite people suggesting they don't clearly it is in some cases. Robinson in the past tried to blag he was only against extremist Islam, but some of the inflammatory language he used clearly didn't differentiate this. Videos of Britain First digging out normal people outside the mosque doesn't sit right with me and never will. These types would hate regardless. If it weren't muslims it would be other groups, look at history one group always got it from that side. They aren't valiant defenders of law, they are hateful people who happen to have a group of people around at the same time that they can kick off at as they to are in some sections Small minded, ignorant cunts themselves i.e. The Anjum Choudhary's of the world.
Similarly, I know what some groups of muslims lads are like and they are utter cunts so I prefer just to stay out of it generally.
I do shudder to think what it could be like in the next 10/15 years though.