I'm going to help you out here, because you've your head buried so far in the sand of denial, you actually sound like a deluded denialist crank yourself. Your problem, that you're blindsided to as an academic, is that it's the
practitioners on the ground, dealing with the cases and observing what is happening, that are the experts.
Not the ivory tower academics, who perform questionable "peer review" that leads to
retraction in many cases.
So, what are those practitioners seeing in Australia?
Australia's Medicare Benefits Schedule created service code 63399 for claim reimbursement in late 2021. This service code is for an MRI test that detects mRNA vaccine induced Myocarditis, in borderline cases where ECG, Troponin & X-Ray aren't able to definitively determine diagnosis. This code was commissioned because, wait for it,
there is a demonstrable link between the mRNA vaccines & the cardiac conditions that has been observed on the ground by healthcare practitioners! Do you think they just conjure up these tests and services for the "bantz" otherwise? Do you think the Australia Department Of Health watched a "Conspiracy Crank" Youtube video, "fell for the grift" and decided to create it then? Or do you, once again with your misplaced hubris, think you know better than the Australia Department Of Health?
Short answer, you don't.
Now, the service was to end on 31st December 2022, but wait, what happened? That's right, they extended it until 31st December 2023!
Do you think a service code gets extended if there's no demonstrable link between a vaccination product and an adverse effect? If they were
so sure of the safety of the vaccine, surely the service would have been de-commissioned because, well, there's nobody claiming the test and so pointless retaining it?
Wrong Mockers! It's because
there is a demonstrable link between the two.
So how many times was service code 63399 claimed against in the past 2 years?
2,000 times. For a test to diagnose borderline outlier cases. "Rare" is it?
If even half of those tests were returned positive, it would be a thousand too many. And that doesn't take into account the diagnoses that were possible with traditional non-MRI methods.
Now we're approaching Feb 2024, and even I thought they'd have decommissioned the service now, given they'd have whatever data they think they needed by this point. But imagine my shock! The service code was extended
again until the end of 2024.
Wow Mockers! For an mRNA vaccine that has, and I quote you:
, they aren't half flogging this MRI test are they?! Maybe, just maybe, you're completely out of your depth on this?
So who else does Mockers think he knows better than? None other than the former President of the Australian Medical Association, Dr. Kerryn Phelps!
Not just her experiencing a COVID vaccine related injury. But her wife too! Two injuries in the same household! How could this
possibly happen when Mockers tells us there have been "Zero" complications to the vaccines?! Surely if the vaccine injuries/deaths were so "rare", it would be statistically improbable that there would be two in the same household?!
Or perhaps, possibly, they're not as "rare" as Mockers falsely claims?
I'm not expecting Mockers to watch the above video as his world view would be smashed to smithereens, but I would strongly encourage others to do so. And I would particularly pay close attention to around
2:10 onwards. Because that important question asked by the anchor is why Mockers falsely believes the bit in bold below...
Well Mockers, if you knew what a Life Scientist was, you might have enough of a clue to not have such a grossly misinformed opinion as you do now. Hell, if you were one, instead of a digital effects person, then you might even understand
why your position is laughably delusional.
The claim that there are no reviews above is in fact a lie.
Despite the lack of doctors and scientists speaking out for fear of the regulatory reprisal intimated by the news anchor and Dr. Phelps, fortunately there are more and more who
are speaking out & publishing about the links:
Peer reviewed.
Peer reviewed.
Peer reviewed.
Peer reviewed. Likely underestimating the effect given study limitations & short duration.
That's just for the Myocarditis links. I've already shared the peer reviewed immune tolerance impacts of elevated IgG4 from the mRNA vaccines upthread. And the DNA contamination in the mRNA vaccines.
This, above, is the most criminally negligent rhetoric. "Billions of doses administered and zero complications". Even if that were true (narrator: it isn't), you
don't fucking stick that shit into the wider population without
long term clinical safety data. When you do a Life Sciences degree Mockers, you learn in Pharma 101, that 'long term' means 5-7 years through the four phases. At least.
If you
do stick that shit into billions of people without long term clinical safety data, you end up with the excess deaths observed now in the likes of the EUROMOMO paediatric data, even years after the peak of the pandemic.
And back to the original point, you end up with more punters collapsing in the stands. Again, just to labour the point. That doesn't mean that *every* punter in the stands that collapses is because of the vaccine. But it is criminally negligent to bury one's head in the sand at this point and not investigate thoroughly and properly what the effect is.
We get it Mockers. You were one of the most vociferous during the Pandemic about "The Science" and "The Cranks". We get you lined up diligently, put yourself at risk, perhaps encouraged others to do the same. It's unpalatable to consider that you might have put yourself and loved ones at risk, so it's easier to bury one's head in the sand and pretend there's nothing to see here. We understand that you have to double, triple and quadruple down as the data and evidence gradually crumbles the narrative around you. Some of us took the jabs, and then changed our view with the data. Others will have to die on the hill.
But do yourself a favour. Stop pretending you're as informed on this topic as you really are. The Australian Department Of Health and the former President Of the Australian Medical Association, among a growing list of others, disagree with you.
You would do well to listen...